Choosing toys for children can be very difficult as we all know. We long for the gift to be a source of pleasure but realize how easy it is to miss the mark. The recipients level of maturity both physically and intellectually, interests and safety have always to be borne in mind, even more so when the recipient has special needs.
The festive season is a time of year when large numbers of people will be looking for gifts for children who may have special needs. Parents will recognize which toys are suitable without much difficulty but there may be many relatives and friends who would appreciate a few guidelines.
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We need to acknowledge the important role of play in a child's life. Years ago my now grown up children were playing in our garden in Nigeria. A woman passing-by, stopped and watched them for a moment then turned to me and said "Play is children's work". Clearly she was a person of great insight and understanding.
Play allows young children to learn and mature on physical, emotional, mental and social levels. Toys can improve problem solving skills or encourage play at a higher level. Some toys encourage movement and exploration such as climbing and riding toys. These physical activities develop strong muscles for walking, running and sport.
Other toys such as rattles, hand puppets and musical toys will encourage the development of fine motor and hand skills and increase freedom of movement. Games and role playing encourage children to play together and through these activities they learn about co-operation and sharing. Two very important skills necessary for building friendships.
Yet other toys help to increase awareness of people, places and things. Dolls, stuffed animals, puppets, vehicles and dolls houses have a role to play here. The last two are very good ways to introduce the child with special needs to various aspects of every day life and the jobs that people do at home and at work.
When choosing a toy for a child with special needs the following factors must be carefully considered:
Is it safe for that child's intellectual age, well constructed and durable?
Is it appealing and interesting to the child
Is it right for the child's physical capabilities?
Is it suited to the child's mental and social development? The toy should not
Be fragile or breakable . Have any toxic materials
Have sharp edges or points.
Be so small that it can get stuck in windpipe, ears or nostrils. Remember that some children with special needs explore objects by "mouthing" them.
Have small detachable parts.
Have any parts that could pinch fingers, toes or get entangled in hair . Have been put together with exposed straight pins, sham wires or nails.
Have electrical parts, unless it is to be closely supervised by an adult.
These are all crucial considerations when making a choice.
Toys fall into numerous categories for example:
Push and Pull toys
Ride-On toys
Outdoor and Gym Equipment
Sports Equipment
Construction toys
Pattern Making toys
Dressing, Lacing and Stringing Toys
Sand and Water Play toys.
Stuffed toys
Role Play Materials
Play Scenes
Transportation toys
Projectile toys e.g toy guns, bows and arrows
Musical Instruments
Art and Craft Materials
Audio-Visual Equipment
Specific Skill Development toys
It can be very difficult choosing toys and other presents for children with Sensory Processing Disorders such as autism, ADD, ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome. They tend to be "under-responsive" to sensation. They need intense experiences of touch, texture, smell, sound, pressure, speed and balance.Children with Sensory Processing Disorders love sound effects, repeatedly pushing buttons to hear the sound effects again and again. They may become overexcited and unable to wind down.
Puppets help the children to discover the meaning of words and pictures. Speak through an eye-catching puppet and watch as communication, eye contact and emotion emerge.Children with autism need a great deal of help to progress from stereotyped repetitive play to that which originates and evolves from their own imagination. Pretend play often develops as they imitate others who show them how to play.
Beanbag Chairs, Barrels
Balance Beams, Tunnels, Tents, Ladders
Rocker Boards, Sit-n-Spin, Rocking Horse
Tactile Flash Cards, Chewable Toys, Textured Books Foam Blocks, Puzzles
Silly Putty, Playdough, Brushes
Musical Instruments
Pencil Grips, Vibrating Pens
Heavy Stuffed Animals
Body Sox, weighted Blankets, Lap Pads
Therapy Balls, Balls with Texture, Bean Bags to toss
Wings, Slide, Trampoline, Hammock. Scooters, Sand Box
Aromatherapy Diffuser, Lava Lamp, Massagers
Overhead Gym
Word, Sound and Music-Makers
Toys with realistic sounds and figures
Toys that move when touched
Mirrored toys
Toys with high contrast colors, patterns or lights
Toys that magnify
Textured Surfaces which feel different
Toys with different areas, e.g dials, buttons, knobs
Combine auditory feedback with visual, touch and movement sensations
Toys with high-pitched or low base sounds
Toys with a volume control
Toys that are visually interesting and/or offer different sound feedback
Toy parts that visually direct a child to the ways they can be used
Toys with realistic actions figures and sounds.
Toys with knobs, levers, buttons, switches and holes for exploring and manipulating
Toys that encourage exploration of visual details and textures
Toys that respond to manipulation with visual and or sound feedback
Toys that require little pressure or accuracy to manipulate or activate.
Toys with multiple access areas that result in different things happening.
Toys do not necessarily have to be bought from companies which specialize in special needs requirements. Many similar items can be bought cheaper from high street stores. Ordinary toys can be adapted with a little ingenuity. As one wise mother wrote "The best gifts are of the heart, which means a gift of time. Record your voice or a familiar voice reading a favorite book" But whatever present you give, give it with love!